Specialized measurements

Energy Efficiency Center offers conducting specialized measurements of the energy units. We use our own, professional instruments, which provides high quality and accuracy of measurements. For examinations and analyses we use: thermal imaging camera Keysight U5855A, HVAC parameter analyser KIMO AMI310, non-invasive flow meter NFM100H and electrical networks analyser PEL 102.


Areas, in which we conduct measurements are:

  • sources of: heat, electric energy and cool, including renewable sources of energy,
  • air-conditioning, ventilation and cooling systems,
  • compressed-air systems,
  • thermovision of buildings and industrial installations,
  • indoor and outdoor lightening systems,
  • transmission networks of: heat, electric energy and gas.

All measurements are performed by qualified employees with great experience in this field.

Conducted measurements can be the base for the analysis of performance of particular energy system elements and complex analysis of energy management. On special request of Client we also perform analyses of obtained results of measurements.

Do not hesitate to contact us and start cooperation!


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